
Dating In Med School Site:forums.studentdoctor.net

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Nov 13, 2015 Dating in high school and undergrad was fun and it was cool, dating in medical school not so much, a lot of students do date one another at my school, some even got married to each other. I believe its mostly because of circumstances and convenience this happened more than true love and affection. Med school (and residency, for that matter) is a lot of hard work, but it's very difficult to actually fail. Once you've made it past the admissions process, med schools try their hardest not to fail you. At my school, this means that if you fail an exam, there's always a 'remediation' option. Good online dating services for health professionals. In relationship purgatory with my LDR (med school student advice?) 851965.

Dating In Med School Site:forums.studentdoctor.net Student

List of med schoolMed school requirementsDating In Med School Site:forums.studentdoctor.net

Med School Requirements

The title pretty much sums it up.
I'm single with no kids looking to embark on what I know is hell on earth for at least eight years. Have not applied yet and probably won't 'til next year, making my start age (assuming I get in) 35. That scares the crap out of me.
If I meet someone and decide to start a family (if all goes well, before starting school as my chances for dating once I'm in school are probably somewhere below zero), am I basically setting myself up for disaster?
As of now, my plan is to go into pediatrics, which I know can change a million times once you're exposed to different fields, but I'm not so sadistic to aim for some of the more cut-throat fields (not that peds wouldn't be enough of a challenge...)
Just from reading the boards of current med students and residents (esp. the 'was it worth it' boards), I hear what kind of masochistic hell this period is for people in their 20s, and I can only imagine that being older and trying to 'do it all' will be even more challenging. Impossible? I don't like to think so, but I'll gladly take a few buckets of ice cold reality dumped over my head by those of you who have been there, or know someone who has.